Thank You From Councilman Bob Weiner to volunteers at Bark Park Maintenance Day
An enthusiastic “thank you” to all of the volunteers and workers who participated in the semi-annual Talley Day County Bark Park Citizens Maintenance Day on October 15, 2012. This fall, more mulch was spread than ever before and we finished right on time … just as the rains came.
The Bark Park Clean-up is an important event for the users of the Bark Park, especially because this is a great place where owners and their four-legged friends can enjoy the company of others off their leash. This effort also helps lessen the encumbrances on our county government.
We greatly appreciate the tremendous work of the volunteers from Bank of America, the Boy Scouts of America Troop 67 and Troop 70, the Delaware Humane Association, Girls Scouts of America, the students from the Brandywine School district and the hard working members of our communities in New Castle County. The New Castle County Department of Special Services and their hard working employees also deserve special thanks for their outstanding work in helping with the maintenance effort.
The office of Councilman Bob Weiner is very grateful to the residents of New Castle County for their participation—together, they made a tangible difference.
April 6, 2012 - Spring Cleanup
To all 85 volunteers…a BIG thank you for your assistance today at the Talley Day County Bark Park ! The work was completed in 1 hour…record time with a record number of volunteers !
On behalf all New Castle County citizens and Talley Day County bark park users, I thank each and every volunteer for your gracious willingness to volunteer your time at the Talley Day County Bark Park Citizens Spring Maintenance Day today. This is a public/private partnership which would not be successful without good people like you. Today, a record number of students, boy scouts, girl scouts and other adult volunteers helped to lessen the burdens on government at our time of need. The semi-annual volunteer project normally takes 2 to 4 hours. Today we finished in record time…one hour ! Many of you patrolled the park for trash, since we lacked sufficient number of tools for all to share. Thank you to those who brought their own rakes, pitchforks and wheel barrows. We will call upon you again in the Fall.
The “Friends of Talley Day Bark Park” is not an organization per se. Our two major activities are the Spring and Fall Clean Up at the Bark Park which I organize with the assistance of all of you. There is no membership roster or list of volunteers.
The Friends of Talley Day Park is registered with New Castle County Pride, our 501 c 3, such that in kind and financial contributions can be earmarked for the benefit of the park.
County Executive Paul Clark joined us today and provided both inspiration and his personnel management skills. A special thank you to Suzanne Mannes for contacting all the school groups. Thank you Boy Scout Troop 67, Troop Pack 527, Bank of America, students from Mt Pleasant High School, Brandywine High School, Talley Middle School and Concord High School National Honor Societies, Key Clubs and other groups. Lastly, thank you for all of the student and adult volunteers from our area schools and community.
Look for news coverage tonight on Channel 6 News at 4:30 pm.
Brandywine Hundred resident Paul Cropper (left) and New Castle County Councilman Bob Weiner (R-Chatham), load mulch into a wagon powered by Cropper's Malamute, Sedna.
County Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings of each month
"Bob Weiner's energy and vision have been invaluable in bringing about better land use and transportation planning."
Ted Matley
Former Executive Director, Wilmington Area Planning Council
Paid for by Friends of Bob Weiner - - (302) 468-6024 - Volunteer - Contribute Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that
accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.