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Proposed Stoltz Greenville business center is disingenuous

Proposed Stoltz Greenville business center is disingenuous
News Journal Letter to the Editor from John Danzeisen, Centreville 4/6/08

I read with great interest the full-page advertisement in the business section of The News Journal about the proposed $750 million investments for New Castle County by Stoltz Real Estate Partners.
The plans are certainly impressive and ambitious, and the advertisement did a very good job of presenting the Stoltz case for approval.

However, the advertisement did not include the most significant – indeed the overwhelming – reason for proposing such a plan: to make money for the investors in Stoltz Real Estate Partners. As a former company chairman and CEO, I certainly believe that companies should be rewarded for adding value and for doing good work. And I am all in favor of creating jobs. But for a project of this magnitude to be supported by the people who live and work here, Stoltz will have to be a little more intellectually honest with the people who live in New Castle County. The most glaring bit of self-serving rhetoric was their explanation that adding a 60,000-square-foot residential building at the corner of Kennett Pike and Buck Road “will give a community feel to the existing center.” Nonsense!

Adding a 60,000-square-foot residential building at that location would be a huge money-maker for Stoltz and present the people of Greenville with congestion, traffic and parking problems to add to the already congested location. As we go forward with the consideration of these plans, I hope that Stoltz demonstrates that they really do “believe strongly in the people and potential of Delaware” and that we get fewer slick, self-serving ads and more honest dialogue.

John Danzeisen, Centreville

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  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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"In my opinion, his greatest strengths are proactivity, tenacity, vision, knowledge and complete devotion to promoting the best interests of not only his district but the county as a whole."

State Senator Cathy Cloutier

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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