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Criteria to be applied by DelDOT for Stoltz Barley Mill Plaza Redevelopment Proposal

Barley Mill Plaza Mixed Use Redevelopment Plan

·         Located in New Castle County at the intersection of Route 48 and Route 141.

·         Existing 1,012,049 square feet of office space would be replaced with 1,485,000 square feet of office space, 731,250 square feet of retail space and 1,575 residential units.

·         No rezoning is being sought.

·         The required traffic analysis could take the form of a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) or Traffic Operational Analysis (TOA).  Either will provide good results, however, the TOA was selected as it provides more flexibility in terms of tailoring the analysis to fit the broader geographic area anticipated to require study.  DelDOT regulations provide that flexibility for either type of study, but County regulations do not.  Given the size of the development being proposed and the location we determined that a TOA is appropriate.

·         The TOA will use the customary level of service (LOS) which DelDOT believes to be appropriate in urban areas, LOS D.  LOS is a qualitative measure of operating conditions which has been adopted as part of our regulations.   At intersections, LOS is measured in terms of the delay experienced by drivers passing through them. 

·         DelDOT could consider using LOS E as the measure if the County supports this.  This option can be used when areas have been targeted for more intense development as identified in the local comprehensive plan.  LOS E is not unusual in urban environments where it is expected that higher densities will result in increased activity (vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle), slower movement of traffic, and generally safer operating conditions.

·         In addition to the evaluation of key intersections, the Tyler-McConnell Bridge will also be included in the TOA given its importance to regional transportation.

·          The study process will utilize a previously developed model of traffic conditions in the Route 141 corridor, which will be updated using new traffic counts.  To the extent that we examine facilities that we have not asked the developer’s engineer to examine, we will rely on our regional forecasting model.

·         Alternative modes of travel will also be reviewed.  Enhanced access to the proposed development (and the necessary connections to the surrounding areas) by pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders will be considered.

·         Given the size of the office and retail space being proposed, truck traffic will be an important component in the traffic mix, and thus will be evaluated.

·         The possibility of developing a traffic mitigation agreement that recognizes the value and effects of mixed use development will be considered.  Ride sharing,  shared parking, transit incentives, a  commuter  services  “store”, flexible work hours, and guaranteed ride home are a few of the things that might be included.

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  Brandywine Hundred County Library is open with socially distancing safe door-to-door delivery takeout service
  Walker's Bank deemed unsafe, will be demolished
  Councilman announces details of redevelopment at former AstraZeneca site
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Dave Warner
President, Liftwood Estates Civic Association

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Friends of Bob Weiner is the political candidate committee that accepts contributions on behalf of New Castle County Councilman Robert S. Weiner.

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