8/26/2010 - Milemarker Signs unveiled on DE Greenways
State Representative Tom Kovach
Secretary Collin O'Mara, DNREC
Mark Chura, Executive Director, DE Greenways
Councilman Bob Weiner

Councilman Bob Weiner, Senator Michael Katz, Senator Cathy Cloutier and Representative Greg Lavelle each contributed $250 to help finance Brandywine High School’s “Great Bulldog Day”. Additionally, Brandywood Civic Association contributed $70.
Under the leadership of Brandywine High School English teacher M. Dwayne Caldwell, Esq, Brandywine High School organized a field day, called "Great Bulldog Day," as a way of bringing students, faculty, and the community together, to foster school and community spirit on May 21, 2010.
The contributions financed the purchase of tents, game supplies, balloons, eggs, rope, face paint, and prizes, snacks and drinks; made available throughout the day. The funds also were used to rent a dunking machine.
For additional information contact: M. Dwayne Caldwell, Esq., English Teacher, Brandywine High School; martin.caldwell@bsd.k12.de.us; 302-479-1600 ext. 2110 or me.
BHS Website: http://brandywineschools.org/brandywine/site/default.asp
Government cannot always provide the financial solutions. This was a wonderful opportunity for your public servants and the Brandywood Civic Association to support our students, faculty and community.